What does it mean to evolve beyond Homo Sapiens’ limitations?

Until now, Homo Sapiens have excelled at enduring as a species with the survival instincts and tactics we have developed.  Those tactics however are turning into processes that threaten our survival.

How do we evolve beyond that now? 

I’m realizing that my ego prioritises serving “me & mine”.  I have to go beyond ego to care about others when I see them as separate from me and my well-being.  Yet, cognitively it’s apparent that the destiny of humanity, now more than ever, is intricately interwoven.  If people who live in other countries can no longer live in their homelands (conflict, climate change, poverty, pollution,…) they will not just sit and die, the impulse to survive will bring them travelling in any way they can to arrive to my homeland, if it offers better opportunities.  This is a normal Homo Sapien instinct.  How many thousands, then millions of people am I/are we prepared to try to stop?  And at what cost?  Yet each of us have the potential to live, work and thrive together for the good of the whole if we focus on that rather than resisting or fighting it.  This calls for a major shift in our perception of who and what we are.  We’ve been brought up to perceive ourselves as individuals competing in a world of only winners and losers.  Now to adapt we need to expand our perception to know ourselves as unique, important parts of a whole – like a human body.  Every piece has its function to contribute to the good of a thriving healthy whole.  Be aware of the impulses and tendencies towards cancerous (greed) and auto-immune (aggressive competitiveness).  These are now obsolete and harmful patterns that we’ve adopted for a previous time that now need to be up-dated.

Now the focus needs to be on how to best facilitate relationships to be for the good of all.  Rather than attending to our personal opinions (likes & dislikes), which we’ve so highly valued, we can expand our intelligence by opening up the limitations set by how we identify and value ourselves as worthy individuals trying to be “right” by being open to different perspectives, listening more to other information, being more receptive, fluid, less attached to who we thought we were – light-hearted.  Recognizing that defense of our opinions or being right is just ego defending its individuality, which is not helpful now.  How we identify ourselves is a crucial question, now because we need to co-create a very different world so we each need to contribute to that.

I’m now realizing that Homo Sapien is a denser, more primal form of our potential.  It is totally grounded in and mainly reacts to the material world.  Now we’re in the era of information and energy where the energetic source of matter is becoming discernable.  Our world now revolves around various energetic frequencies and waves (EMR, MRI, Ultrasound, X-ray, radio waves, …) which are largely not perceivable by our 5 physical senses.  Thoughts, feelings and intentions also radiate energetic frequencies, which affect others – some can act like toxins.  We need to tune into them to take responsibility for what we’re putting out into the world and doing to ourselves.  I choose to actively focus now on making my thoughts, feelings, emotions and intentions beautiful and life-giving for the good of the whole.   I can learn to over-ride and release the old habits and patterns based on the fear of an isolated, vulnerable being trying to win rather than lose.   This is my quest.
