While exploring this castle in Nafplio in the Peloponnese, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the April wild flowers blossoming like a living carpet over the stony ground.  Feeling such joy for their presence, I soon found myself singing and dancing amongst them. After some pleasant exchanges, they asked me if I would listen to the stories of the ancient stone elders who constituted the castle ruins there.  This surprised me for though I had become somewhat accustomed to communicating with the Nature Spirits of the plant/tree realm, I had not considered that there was such an opportunity to do this with stones and ancient ruins.  I willingly agreed and walked through the ruins, into more isolated areas, asking the stones if they had any messages for me.  I felt welcome to sit down and still my thoughts in order to tune into them.  Once again, I felt an overwhelming sense of freedom and joy.  Then it occurred to me that after so many centuries, millennia, it was now time for all the beings throughout the ages that have suffered and perished there to be released and welcomed home back into the Oneness of Divine Love – the all embracing unconditional love of The Divine Mother Creator.  This process required humans that are alive now to help them to be Loved Free – the time had finally come.

In these times we have now entered, it seems like there is an opportunity to clear the slate of human story that is clogged with old stories and narratives that no longer serve humanity.  Those denser energies that can impede access to our higher potential, can be alleviated by focusing our thoughts and feelings on the higher frequency energy found in gratitude, joy and unconditional love (which can be attained through the sacred tool or process of Forgiveness). 

“Okay,  I’m willing, how do I do it?”  I ask.  I am guided to relax completely. 

“Just breathe in the beauty and be in the moment, right here.  Listen, listen…” 

I receive the message that it is through fully opening my heart, fully surrendering my sense of individuality that resists, and trusting completely that I am in the embrace and loving care of The Divine Creator that I can surrender control and allow That to guide the process.

I learn that it is a process of Loving free all stuck energy that does not serve the good of the Whole – that stuck energy is holding back the free flow of evolution to higher possibilities.  Love with “L” transcends a human perception of love which is based on conditions.  Only unconditional Love has the power to do this work.  Humans who are willing to put this higher purpose above their personal desires and fears can be of service. 

What an extraordinary and beautiful possibility.  The eons of power-grabbing, greed & cruelty has left a thick residue, often in concentrated pockets, impeding human potential to ascend into the higher more inspired consciousness that is necessary to create a new world, based on compassion. 

Finally, the clenched grip this trauma has had in the earth’s energy field was being loosened and we could now detach from, release and Love this trauma Free.  This residue was not “bad”, it is part of Us, The One, and it is now ready to be freed from that form/function, (illusion?).  Divine love can transmute it back into its original perfection as a spark of Divine energy.

It was clear that this was a new opportunity that had only now started to come into effect.  Synchronistically, I was in the right place at the right time.

After spending some time breathing and attuning to the energy of the Stone Elders and the general field, I warmly welcomed in all beings who were guided to me, to enter through the portal of the sacred heart chamber in my heart. I offered myself as a willing instrument for The Divine to do the evolutionary cleansing & healing, for which I’d been invited to collaborate.      

Over the next weeks of exploring Greece’s many ancient sites and time in Nature, my experience deepened.  In many ancient sites, including necropoles, I felt the drama, anguish, fear and love of the stories embedded in the stones and in the land.  It was an emotional journey and one that increasingly opened my heart to our human ancestors who had played their roles so attentively in order that we may arrive here, to where, what and who we are in 2022. 

As I surrendered to the process, so much was gradually revealed.  First came the stories – vivid, passionate, heart-wrenching glimpses of the past, which sometimes brought tears, or even shocked me to attention.  It felt like I was on a magic carpet ride that took me to wherever this process could be helpful. I just had to surrender myself to the process with complete trust. 

Synchronicities flowed as we visited the island of Hydra and meandered up to Delphi to spend time at the Oracle site before visiting the extraordinary pinnacle monasteries in Meteora.  I also craved the stillness and solitude of sitting and communing in the mountains and forests, which I found around Metsova. 

What incredible feats have been done in the name of devotion, beauty, love, fear, power,…?  The extraordinary passion, skill, knowledge and beauty displayed seemed like an exhibition ground for the manifestation of human  heights of inspiration & creativity, as well as our depths of fear and treachery. All these creations were grounded in the survival mode of separation consciousness of the “us/ours” v. “them/theirs” – building walls to protect and defend on every level – physical, mental, emotional.  This may have facilitated our species’ survival to this moment in our evolution.  Yet, it also sparks and fuels old stories of unworthiness, jealousy, cruelty, subjugation and acquisition that still feed the narrative of our times, thereby propagating that old pattern of into our future.

Because we have evolved to this point, we can now dream new possibilities into being.  It is that old defunct pattern that impedes humanity from imagining and creating a future that is grounded in the joy and beauty of harmonizing our diverse contributions into a magnificent symphony with all of life. 

Throughout this time, I found myself frequently repeating: “Welcome Home into Our Oneness”.  It felt as if this invitation offered a new frequency and possibility for our species to start afresh, grounded on a new blueprint of unity and compassion, to inform the world that we are awakening to a higher potential, rather than defaulting to the exclusivity and fear that has driven our past.

More on Process: It starts in the imaginal realm with what we choose to imagine.  Next, paying attention to  envision it in more detail.  Then, we can intend it, bring it into our daily lives as part of the consciousness that informs how we are and act in the world.

No one need feel rejected or excluded any longer.  That time has passed, it served its purpose by bringing us into this particular time.  It is time instead to re- member  – to remember that we each represent diverse aspects of a Whole (Creation) and now the time has come to reconnect our member pieces to be integrated back into the Whole again – like reconstituting a picture by joining the separated jigsaw puzzle pieces into one picture, again.  Like awakening from a dream/nightmare, we have always been loved free but we have to cognize (be consciously aware of) that, or it is not our reality.  All the drama & sacrifices that individuals have suffered through eons of time have been in service to finally arrive at this moment in our evolution where we can integrate all that information and use it to provide the perfect conditions to enable us to leap to our next phase of potential.

There seems to be a cosmic call for “All hands on deck!”.  Are you willing to answer the call?


Total forgiveness is a top layer of separation consciousness.  Forgiveness, as a concept, challenges our rational sense, so invites us to draw upon a broader intelligence, a gateway through the ceiling of separation consciousness into the realm of unity consciousness, where there is no “other”.  Forgiveness opens our hearts, yet it still involves an “other”.  As we further evolve, even that concept eventually dissolves into the unconditional Love of the One – unity consciousness.

Only when I have transcended identifying myself as being “other” do I realize that whatever I do, I do to mySelf.  All duality such as right/wrong, good/bad, dissolve into Oneness.  There is nothing to judge or condemn and therefore nothing to be forgiven.

*Hawaiian Ho’oponopono can be a very powerful process to help open consciousness from separation into unity consciousness.   This is important to do to oneself as well as to “others”.


Winter Solstice 2022: Bru na Boinne/Newgrange, Ireland

As dawn was breaking on the winter solstice, I asked the Stone Elders if they had a message.  This is what I received: “We have waited thousands of years for this.  It is the dawn of a new époque for humanity, the earth and all her life.  As the sun rises on this dawn, so shall it be on beloved planet Earth.  When humans realize the full power of Love they will know It is the greatest power there is.”