I have had guidance from many sources and encourage anyone interested in exploring the possibilities that this time offers, to dive into their own research of discovery.  There is so much information now, of every type so it is critical to be discerning about what you absorb.  My advice is to check if it expands your heart and feeling of compassion and connection with All, or if it breeds any feelings of fear, contraction, unworthiness in you or towards any “others”.  The journey of conscious evolution is one of unconditional love – welcoming us all Home to remember our Oneness. It is challenging and will keep pushing us to expand our perceived identities that appear to confine and divide us.

Here are a few sites, sources & networks that I find helpful and can be “googled”:

Conscious Evolution: Barbara Marx Hubbard, Sadhguru/Isha Foundation (Yoga, Inner Engineering, SaveSoil & Conscious Planet), Sri Aurobindo/The Mother, Humanity’s Team, Peace Through Unity, Unity Earth, Islands of Coherence, Heartmath,  Matias de Stefano, Era of Peace, EARTHwise Centre, Ervin Laszlo/Laszlo Institute, Resonance Science Foundation, Global Ecovillage Network, …

Nature Spirits:  There is so much to google including all the research done on mycelium, Perelandra Garden work books by Machaelle Small Wright,  Stephen Harrod Buhner, The Listening Field (Danielea Castell) plus many of the well known herbalists (Susun Weed, Rosemary Gladstar, Pam Montgomery…)