Back into our Oneness


In these turbulent times wrought with options and possibilities, I would like to share with you some of the experiences and adventures that have challenged me and taught me invaluable lessons over the years.  My hope is that these stories might inspire you to dare fearlessly to live your dreams, guided by compassion and a sense of responsibility to help us co-create a beautiful future.  


The stories we tell ourselves develop our belief and value systems that create who we think we are.  Determining how we interpret our experiences and our relationships, they basically govern how we think and believe the world works.

This story-telling process influences our physical form and our energetic frequency. The “vibes” we radiate are perceptible to others in varying degrees. These frequencies act like signals, which can trigger responses. Feelings of fear, anger, disdain, unworthiness as well as joy, gratitude, and compassion can be palpable and cause a cascade of effects. Subtler thoughts and feelings  cause subtler responses that may only become apparent when examining recurring patterns in our life. The energies we emit can be defined as the cause of our experiences – both internal and external.  Are we conscious of what signals we are sending and receiving? It’s an inside job – only we can change what we think and feel. It just requires the awareness and belief to choose


time to evolve
What does it mean to evolve beyond Homo Sapiens' limitations?
Until now, Homo Sapiens have excelled at enduring as a species with the survival instincts and tactics we have developed.  Those tactics however are turning into processes that threaten...
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Evolve Beyond Limitations
Time to evolve beyond Homo Sapiens limitations
I am increasingly called to focus on the nature of my being as Homo Sapiens.  In fact, it feels like we’re being called, as a species, to evolve now beyond that stage of our development...
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sunset garden
Takeaway lessons from Oct 2023 –March 2024
Early October 2023:  In early October 2023, it was apparent that my mother (94, in Vancouver) was in the process of passing over.  I was told this may happen quite quickly...
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