I am taking on the mission that the Stone Elders in Greece and the Rock Elders in Cappadocia, Turkey gave me last year (see blogs on Cappadocia and Ancient Greece 2002) .  They asked if I would be willing to help release the heavy energetic sludge of trauma, suffering, guilt, shame… that humans through the ages have left due to their thoughts, feelings and gross behaviour using a process initiated by the Stone Elders in Greece and the Rock Elders of Cappadocia, Turkey. Both Greece and Turkey with their dramatic histories seemed to be calling out for this healing.  Much of this heavy energy is deposited in the earth but, the Elders told me, the time has finally come that it can be released and loved free – to be transmuted back into its original divine potential.

I was assured that I experienced this not because I was more special than anyone else, simply that I was willing to answer the call.  Everyone with a willing heart to help in this aspect of the healing of the earth is most welcome to join in this mission.

I felt that the Stones & Rock Elders were non-judgemental about the behaviour they had observed or experienced.  It was more that humans were going through their development stages and just as babies have to learn to control their bowels, limbs and bodies, they are not bad or guilty for being at an early (infant, toddler, teenager) stage of development.  They are to be nurtured until they are ready to develop into competent and responsible maturity.  That time has come, now.  Along with the process they imparted to me, expressions of light-hearted joy and gratitude is a welcomed gift to Nature.  Singing, dancing, humming, …

Just offer what feels right to you and makes you feel happier.

I have found that in fact, this process helps me to clear and purify my own being through non-judgement, forgiveness and the unconditional Love that it generates.
