dancer, dancing, sand

I’m starting to experience the dance of differentiation/diversity of form, with its source or Essence of Oneness – all intertwingled so that diverse aspects of form may emerge from the ONE and return to integrate back into its Essence, as in a dance.  It is uplifting and clarifies the great opportunity of being a human being on Earth, particularly at this time.

I’ve been increasingly aware of this dance intellectually yet now as I begin to experience it, it brings it to another level of understanding and into my being.

My exciting insight is that we are finally in a time where all the suffering, sorrow, cruelty, violence, resentment, hatred and all other baggage left to us from our dramatic human story over millennia, can be cleared.  We can reboot, as the lessons that so many of our ancestors have lived are now completed and as Leonard Cohen sings: “They have been paid for…”  With great gratitude for those who experienced and sacrificed before us, we do not have to carry it in our minds, hearts and bodies any longer.  The earth can also now be cleared of all the residual sludge from such actions that has lingered energetically in many places around the world.  This awareness can also be practised by each of us when we realize that everything we have experienced in our lives is for us to become increasingly expansive in life.  When we can appreciate the lesson that was hiding in each experience for us to learn, we can see that it can serve to make us a fuller, more informed, accepting and evolved human being.  And, those events have passed – we no longer need to carry them, either.  Freedom is a choice for us, now.

This Essence of Oneness that I refer to is dynamic holomovement which consists of holons that can emerge in differentiated, unique forms in order to experience what it is like to be an individuated aspect of the whole.  A holon is simultaneously, and perhaps paradoxically, both a component part of the whole and also a full representation of the whole – containing all of the parts inherent to the whole.  I think, collectively we are here to experience and inform the Oneness of the full gamut of what it can be to be a human being on Earth.  Individually, we can choose to focus only on our differentiated forms (bodies, cultures…), on our inherent divine spark of/from Oneness that we have in common, or appreciate and dance as both.

This is a tremendous opportunity to play, enjoy and enhance life for all with what each of us can creatively contribute. The more diverse and intense our experiences are, the more we can learn and inform the Whole.

How did I come to this?

Initially, it was through exploring the fascinating diversity of life = biodiversity.  My first experiences were to explore and learn from the magnificent variety of my human family.  I wanted to know my brothers and sisters that lived such different lives than mine.  This eventually expanded into the rest of Nature’s biodiversity.

Diversity seemed to be the key to resilience, strength, beauty and joy of life on Earth.  Realizing it was under the huge & increasing threat of being homogenized, compelled me to become an activist.  Biodiversity is essential for our planet to maintain its dynamic process of balance (homeostasis), which gives stability to life, by supplying the basic needs of clean air, water, food, resources for shelter and energy as well as the beauty to inspire us.  So, for a long time, I was focused on the diversity of form and function of Life and especially on doing what I could to defend and protect it.  

Developing a powerful intellect to manage and control our physical world of form has led humanity to the evolutionary capacities we have now reached – to be major manipulators on Earth.  However, I became increasingly aware that the human intelligence potential had to be far more expansive and complex than only relying on one tool that facilitates our use of logic and critical analysis.  It is an essential and precious tool in our toolbox of intelligence but alone, it’s proving to be incapable of solving the complex problems that humanity is now facing – our survival in an environment that we are making increasingly hostile.  Yet, I learned in primary school that everything is energy – form is only its external, physical manifestation.  What is the source of those forms? 

Manipulating the external world increasingly seemed a bit like trying to change the reflection of an image in a mirror by trying to fix the reflection on the mirror, rather than the source image being reflected.

Slowly my focus started to shift towards the no-thing that seemed to be the energetic source from which form emerged.  Being beyond the physical senses, it is more subtle and elusive.  Unlike form, exploring the energetic essence requires us to expand and develop our intelligent capacities beyond the limitations of the intellect. 

Focusing on the Essence, discovery deepens through experience, not through theoretical knowledge.  It requires diving inside yourself without the doubts and self-imposed limitations to what is possible, and goes beyond interpreting data from our physical senses – the world where the logic of the intellect rules.  It requires becoming, rather than conceptualizing.

This is where we can start to discover that all that we perceive through our five senses is just part of the reality, which lightens the heart for we realize that we don’t need to take our selves – our personalities, roles, achievements, …so seriously.  We are all just aspects of the One who are here to experience the diversity of being in differentiated form and will return back home to our Oneness.  We are never alone or abandoned and there is no-thing to fear.  Life is truly like a big theatre where we can each create and co-create with others all the beauty, joy and harmony that we want to experience.  We can write our script – choreograph our dance and change our world through how we choose to think, speak and dance with all the other amazing forms in our world, regardless of how others may behave.  It’s our interpretation and response to them that creates our experience.  Only unconditional Love – the essence of Oneness, can heal broken parts that may try to hurt or break others.  Life here is also a school, so we’re here to learn.  The more creative, daring and pioneering we are, the more our capacity for mistakes and compassion increases.  Making mistakes is not a problem.  It is how we learn and improve from them that is the crucial point.  How do we improve daily?    

We all come out of the vastness of no form or no-thingness to be born, into manifestation/form as a newly born baby on planet Earth: From wave to particle as also seen at the subatomic scale in electrons.  When our bodies/form “die”, it sparks the return from Form back into the vast Oneness of Essence. 

And the dance of Differentiation and Integration continues …

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