These are a series of musings based on the concept that we are at a time in our evolution where we can consciously choose to take responsibility for the type of world we create now and how we evolve as a species.  This is a choice that each individual has to make.


See each obstacle/hurdle/challenge as an indication that I’ve stabilized at my latest phase and am now ready to expand to next level. Therefore it is an opportunity, indeed an invitation to expand into my next higher potential/possibility – a perfect gift.

To best experience it, fully accept what IS – the situation. Then humbly and profoundly ask for guidance and help from Guides/higher aspects of Self for the perfect response (for the highest good of All). While relaxing out of all ego resistance, invite in, and allow gratitude, joy and Love & light-heartedness to fill me, dissolving any remnants of attachment to the out-dated expectation, I’d had.

The Phoenix burning to ashes to provide for the New.

Humans now have the opportunity to co-create a coherent harmonious form of Earth, this requires dissolving our separateness & drive for exclusivity in a process of integration so we can co-create the next level of complexity through acceptance & collaboration.

Our choice really is between that energetic shift/change of taking full responsibility to create the world we want, or to continue our addiction to suffering and feeling the victim, as we consume life as we know it.  Both symbolize the Phoenix’s rising – through integration & coherence or through fear’s resistance, provoking destruction as the force of change. Either way the old transforms and evolves.  

We need to learn to use our emotions as energetic tools of the Spirit – our Essence, rather than being slaves to them.  It is time for us as a species to grow up from acting as dependent, powerless children focused on “getting” and blaming, to being the benevolent grown-up, who is responsible for what we are and all that we do.