In this life I have experienced a wide variety of roles. With time, the intensity of the lessons I needed to learn seemed to ramp up.  Looking back, it seems like I was put on a fast track for learning. I now realize this was so I could experience a vast diversity of what it means to be human, in this era.

Those varying roles also introduced me to the concept of evolving beyond our predominant consciousness with the overwhelming emphasis on the individual – the plaintive yet ubiquitous cry of “What about Me?” On the crossroads of overwhelming global threats, we are beginning to see where this mindset will lead us if we don’t change trajectory. The current global problems can serve as evolutionary drivers to catalyze us to think outside the box because the old box cannot provide solutions for this new level of challenges.  These solutions will require a whole new mindset, a consciousness based on recognizing our inherent interdependence not only for our species’ wellbeing but for the whole planetary life-support system. What happens to one part of the system affects all of the rest of it. This inherent interconnection is becoming increasingly apparent through our global communication networks and other advanced technologies.

The world as we know it is shifting. The framework upon which most of our fundamental systems (financial/economic, education, health, governance/political, social, judicial, etc…) were grounded is no longer appropriate for a thriving and sustainable life in the 21st century. This is because these systems were developed in, and for, a world very different from the one in which we currently live. Paradoxically, it is those outdated belief and value systems, that have put humanity on a trajectory that will destroy what we value most – a healthy life on earth. If that consciousness of disconnection – meaning valuing the “other” (them) as less than ourselves (us) – continues to underpin our high technology, we may only accelerate that path to destruction. It is akin to a vehicle that is racing ever faster, with all the focus on speed, yet with no one directing its route (the context) as it hurtles towards a cliff.

With the development and use of technology, human knowledge has grown exponentially since the industrial revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. However, it is still partial, limited by current human perspective, which includes our perceptive capacity as well as the framework used for interpreting the information. Many of our preconceived biases restrict these abilities. And what if anything was possible? As we develop more ways and instruments to augment our senses of perception, we increasingly discover intelligence and capacities in the natural world.

We already have much of what is needed to create a healthy new world where people and planet can flourish, and there are wonderful initiatives underway to offer dynamic and responsive systems to replace the old ones. What we need is a critical mass of people willing to create a more responsible, compassionate and healthy world.

What that new world will be like depends on each of us – you and me. Through our beliefs, thoughts, decisions and actions we can co-create it in every moment. Our personal contributions include how we source our food and clothing, where we spend our money, energy, time, our relationship with food, waste, plants, animals, people, ecosystems,… and maybe above all, our relationship with ourselves.

So, what would it require from me to cultivate a world of tolerance, compassion, kindness and equality? Can I expand my range of intelligence beyond solely relying on the analytical tools offered by the intellect? What about following my intuition or “gut feeling” even if it doesn’t seem logical at the time? How can I learn to use more of both hemispheres of my brains?


Growing up in the 1960’s in a nurturing environment, surrounded by the natural beauty of the sea, mountains and forests of Vancouver, Canada, Juliet grew up with a sense of freedom and possibility. She has travelled extensively, working, studying and living in a variety of cultures and resides in Ireland with her husband, Fearghal. A grateful mother of three adult sons and grandchildren, she is currently focusing on the energetic potential of living at this time of rapid transition. Her studies and practice of herbal medicine together with her passion for Conscious Evolution have facilitated her exciting explorations in communing with the Nature Realm.  


What and who are you?  And what journeys have brought you perfectly to where  you are now to facilitate you in fulfilling your greatest possibilities in this life?