The Ibizan Wave of the Holomovement 

In May 2024, the Holomovement held its second convergence meeting in Ibiza.  Referred to as a “wave”, symbolized how the holomovement is a dynamic wholeness in motion, in which everything moves together in an interconnected process.  It is

not a defined organization confined by stagnant notions. 

As the Holomovement expands, people in diverse fields share the common thread of expanding beyond perceived borders, limitations and concepts.  The purpose is:

“to awaken us to our interconnectedness and accelerate humanity’s highest potential through collaborative, transformative action.”

It is grounded in noble prize physicist David Bohm’s discovery and description of the holomovement – a wholistic understanding of our universe as a manifestation of the consciousness of our universe.  The Implicate Order is the non-perceivable field of consciousness (ie. wave) and the Explicate Order is its manifestation into matter (particle).  The holomovement is this flow of the undivided wholeness in continual movement – in the state of becoming.  

There were very inspiring presentations and we could choose to join into three out of four streams that were offered as interactive workshops.  These streams were:

 – Evolutionary technology (including A.I) and new Economies

–  Conscious Flourishing

–  Love in Action   &

–  Exponential Collaboration

We had the pleasure to experience the fruits of regenerative agriculture and collaborative living with a visit to a community farm set up on those principles.

These streams are seen as pivotal action points in co-creating a new world that will support humans and indeed all of life on earth to thrive.

And there was so much more over those 4-5 days, with so many stories, experiences more presentations, and enjoying each others’ company.

The theme was all about ACTION. 

So we, a diversity of people, are learning to collaborate and co-create together on projects in order to support more life-enhancing ways to live that can transform the way we’ve been living on earth.

If interested, the Holomovement website is:  
