How to Evolve Beyond Homo Sapiens

The meta-crisis that we’ve developed is what has brought us to this threshold or T-Junction.  And though it is on a planetary scale influenced by governments and corporations it is also up to the individual whether s/he chooses to evolve and adapt.  Populations are only collections of individuals.  And where in the era of matter, quantity is a deciding factor for tipping points (scales), in the age of information and energy, quality can determine the tipping point.  Example – one highly evolved (consciously) person like a Buddha, Shiva or Christ can influence many people to realize that they too can evolve.  This can spread a culture of kindness and compassion amongst hundreds of people.  It is very attractive because people generally want to be happy and to make others happy so that they can live in peace.

The process required is found nature.  As a snake sheds its skin, a caterpillar’s metamorphosis into a butterfly, even the birth of a newborn baby, each brings new possibilities to surpass the constraints & limitations of its previous form. 

Yet, this time, we need a metamorphosis not of body but of consciousness, like a shedding of our old way of being, to enable us to engage in a new way with life.  Our intellect doesn’t know how to do this.   We have to rely on the much deeper and more expansive intelligence of Life.  Life knows how to do this.  The question is: Are we ready to allow it to lead us?

Some helpful steps:

The 1st is the willingness and commitment to evolve our consciousness because it demands:

– surrendering your ego’s addiction to trying to control your life, circumstances, people,… to listening with your intuition and heart to what is needed to happen.

– gradually detaching your happiness or sense of worth from your accumulated likes and dislikes – they only give momentary satisfaction when fulfilled or suffering when not fulfilled and limit our experience as humans (Green Eggs & Ham?)

– recognizing compulsive behaviours driving from unconscious impulses, pausing when you feel them and choosing not to be controlled by them

– opening your heart to listen and start to try to perceive through intuition

– cultivating a deep reverence for all life

– interpreting seemingly unsolvable problems as opportunities to expand your ways of knowing beyond the intellect

– interpreting crises as evolutionary drivers and embracing them to make change

– expanding our circle of “me & mine” beyond the familiar (shared DNA, rituals, customs, beliefs, form/shape/colour, language, gender,…) at a pace that feels doable. This can be expanded exponentially as you start to experience life beyond those limitations.

– visit and join the active communities working on co-creating a more compassionate and better world.

One World

Peace on Earth by 2030 initiative:       

Humanity Rising:
