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My vision for the future is that we, as a species, will have evolved beyond separation consciousness – from attaching our identity to an individuated piece of life with limited roles, responsibilities and possibilities.  At first individually, and soon collectively, people will begin to know themselves to each be a magnificent, unique expression of the One – fractals of the cosmic hologram, fulfilling their dreams & opening up to their higher possibilities by serving the Whole that they are co-creating, with all their hearts, minds and creative energy.  All will work together as a coherent whole creating ever-more possibilities of beauty and harmony.

This may happen incrementally at first, with people gathering physically and virtually to form like-minded communities – “islands of coherence”.  As this force of attraction to co-create together gathers in momentum, it will evolve in leaps to a planetary level (Gaia), solar system, galactic, and so on.  We may become a Mother planet to offer example and guidance for other fledgling systems.